Monday, October 18, 2010

Here I Am

Yeah, I know, what took me so long. Well, with school just starting, and blogger releasing new layouts, and me deciding to take time and make a new title, I'm finally posting. Turns out, I'll be updating everything from my videos, to my blog, even to my tweets. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad about waiting this long to do.........well, to do anything at all. But, still more troubles: I've started modding Nerf guns, I'm doing LPs, while still trying to keep up with my How To's. Well, I can honestly tell you there will be no more LPs (or well, commentated LPs) until I get my new mic. My crappy old one broke, which gave me an excuse to go out and buy one. So, hopefully updates on a semi-regular level will return November, but no promises.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Let's play series started

Is it true? Can it actually be real? Yes, it can! I'm starting my first let's play, marking me as an official let's long as I successfully beat this game. So, I will, I repeat, I WILL be updating this blog now. Sorry for the long wait, but I've been busy. So, I'll leave you with the first part of "Let's Play Need For Speed Carbon"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Video Up

We're not going to describe, just watch.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Opening for Youtube videos (final decision)

I know we've shown you the last opening (and we thought it was going to be our new one), but we ended up making this new one. We've gotten feedback through some contacts, and they thought we should go for it. Here it is:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our Weekend

So we ended up taking my Nerf Longshot and modding it: We took of the bipod, we fixed the stock so it would lock (it was broken), we took the clip and made a flip-clip, and we ended up painting the scope and clips black. The paint is drying right now, so i'll get the final product on monday. Check out for wjt711 (Taylor's personal channel) for the video update on it. We'll have a new video on there where I show you the final product. So, um, yeah, we had a pretty interesting weekend....

Monday, April 19, 2010

This was just something I wanted to post (might as well be a tweet), but we put up a new picture. We're still not the type of people that put too much effort into pictures, so this is just another profile picture (for youtube, blogspot, twitter, etc.), so here it is:

New Opening for Youtube videos

The title sort of explains it. We where tired of our last opening, so decided to try a "demo" one with you guys being the testers. We've got a few feed backs already, so don't be shy to comment on it. No comments will be frowned upon.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

All coming together

Well it took over a week, but we're finally getting close to satisfied:
1. We found the layout that we wanted
2. Finally filled up our side bar to a decent amount of links/subjects
3. Started to get a decent amount of followers
4. Edited and (finally) satisfied with our title picture
5. Proud that we can now count to five :P

Now we got bored, and made about 7 funny pictures. But, they where made by us, and our funny is seriously below usual standards, so they probably suck on your terms:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Website going up!

Yes, yes, I know. We've waited a long time for this. But finally, here's our website! You might be a little bummed of the fact that it's technically a "blog." but that doesn't bother us, and it shouldn't bother you. This way, you can stay connected over tweets, just like how we post!
So a lot of changes happening over these next few weeks, but don't be afraid to scout around with new things you find!
-Theslick5 team